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For Care Homes

Maintain and increasing walkability

It is now accepted that the loss of ability, that we have assumed to be due to ageing, we now know is not the case.

Our Medical Director Sir Muir Gray ascribes this loss of ability as the result of three other processes – loss of fitness, diseases, and negative or pessimistic attitudes.

Sir Tom Moore (who at 100 years of age walked a 100 laps of his garden to raise money for the NHS) demonstrates that clearly.

You need a bit of luck of course, but the evidence is people can regain and improve muscle power, whatever their age, just look at the results of this training programme for people in their nineties.

The evidence is, people can close the fitness gap whatever their age or condition. They can start with seated VR and be motivated to stand.

This means that your residents will be able to walk around the home and outside the home without a member of staff in support or pushing a wheel chair.

Walking in groups is even better and with virtual reality, people can walk together through the middle of London or Paris or along the Great Wall of China, so investing in two ROVR treadmills will generate a change in culture as people share the experience

This is possible now - and we are raising interest to make this happen.

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